Monday, November 28, 2011

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas...

I am obsessed with the holidays (to put it mildly). I am currently trying to limit the number of "traditions" I am implementing in both my home and classroom. However, I come from a family steeped with many traditions and I learn about GREAT new ones from my students daily. Here's what I've got so far... (new ones are in Red)

  • Pick out Christmas tree then make a stop at Starbucks on the way home (for decorating purposes of course!)
  • Put on Christmas music while decorating the tree - followed by an evening of Christmas movies
  • Making/decorating a gingerbread house
  • Making a variety of Christmas cookies =)
  • Opening one gift on Christmas eve before going to Christmas service
  • Making cinnamon rolls and hot cocoa Christmas morning before opening stocks (followed by presents) 
  • Making and decorating Gingerbread Houses
  • Secret Santa gift exchange
  • Wearing pajamas for the day while we watch Polar Express and drink hot cocoa
  • Cookie Exchange
  • Making "Reindeer Food" to sprinkle on the lawn the night before


Barbara L said...

Great traditions ... especially the Starbucks stop! Thanks for following my blog. Are you going to put in a follower gadget soon? Hope so :) Take care.

Grade ONEderful

Anonymous said...

Your Christmas lists look great! I too LOVE the holidays!


Unknown said...

I'm about ready to blg about you! Please come and check it out! :)
